Event Calendar
It's summer break! What would YOU like to do today?
Smithsonian Institute www.si.edu

Let's visit the Smithsonian Institute! Where we can...

Make our own time capsule

Take a summer road trip

Study snapdragons

Journey through an exploded star

and so much more!

Welcome to Tri-County Special Education

Welcome to the TCSE website! It contains all the information you need to know about Tri-County, the schools we serve, and programs and services we offer; in what we hope is a clear, easy-to-find format. If you have trouble finding a particular page or topic, you can search the site, or click on the site map in the upper right corner of each page, which will show you all pages on the site, organized by subject matter.

Please spend a few minutes looking around, and be sure to send us your comments and opinions from the Contact Us page, also found in the upper right corner of any page.

Thank you!