TCSE Behavior Assistance

The TCSE BITS team will be accepting new behavior referrals. We hope this process assists our member districts with additional training and resources. The team will review all referrals as soon as possible. Once the review is completed a member of the team will reach out and schedule a date and time for an initial observation. Until a member of the team can schedule an observation, we ask all districts to implement the tiered behavioral supports. This can be located under the Behavioral Intervention Resources (PBIS World).

Staff Members
CPI Disclosure Statement

Please note that during behavior consultation if a student becomes aggressive and poses a risk of harm to self and/or others the team may need to employ Nonviolent Crisis Prevention Intervention strategies, including physical restraints, if necessary.

Behavior Bites Tips & Tricks

The consequences of an act affect the probability of its occurring again.” B.F. Skinner

Skinner believed that our behavior is shaped by the consequences we experience. He suggested that positive outcomes increase the likelihood of us repeating a behavior, while negative outcomes decrease that likelihood. By understanding this principle, we can modify our behavior to achieve desired outcomes.

Tip: Differential Reinforcement of Incompatible Behavior (DRI) - This involves reinforcing a behavior that is incompatible with a targeted undesirable behavior. For e.g., a student hits him/herself with his/her hand (s), a staff member asks him/her to clap his/her hands instead. The student cannot clap and hit his/her head with hands at the same time, so the two behaviors are incompatible to each other; praise the student directly after they clap hands by saying "great job clapping your hands."